As mentioned a few months back our Intern Joe Moore is working on a bespoke welfare project for us enabling the smaller local farmers and abattoirs to receive the recognition they deserve without having to conform to the large commercial accreditations that surround us. After all the welfare, ethics and husbandry when rearing the animals prove to be the most important step in the return of high quality meat eating. During his research Joe was lucky enough to receive some help from the very talented and knowledgeable Lizzie Rivera, the creator of lifestyle website bicbim (Because It’s Cool. Because It Matters) who made the time to sit down with Joe and prep some very important research questions with him. From this, we have set up a number of visits to local farmers we source our product from to find out what they do to ensure the highest standards of animal welfare are met. Lizzie will hopefully be joining us on our farm visits this year as part of her farm tour for ethical and sustainable meat. We will be back with some more information on how they get on in a few months, in the meantime here’s a little on Lizzie give bicbim a follow.